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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development

Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies (Project Brief)

Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies (Project Brief)
Across the world, many countries are cutting social security spending and rolling back commitments to universal coverage by restricting benefits, narrowly targeting policies and means-testing claimants. But some are bucking this trend. Despite decades of pressure for social policies to be used only as residual, marginal, palliative measures to protect those in dire need, many emerging economies are successfully extending social security coverage towards universal levels. What drives these universalizing forces? Are these moves towards universal coverage sustainable? Why have some countries had more success than others in implementing socially inclusive, economically viable social security programmes?

UNRISD Project Briefs pose questions, flag ideas and contribute knowledge that can improve the quality of development debates, policy and practice. They provide a concise summary of an UNRISD research project, situating it within wider social development debates; outlining its focus, objectives and methodology; and highlighting interim findings.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 11 Dec 2012
    ISSN: 2305-5952