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Confronting Violence Against Women: The Power of Women's Movements (Research and Policy Brief 21)

Confronting Violence Against Women: The Power of Women's Movements (Research and Policy Brief 21)
With the SDGs, UN member states have reaffirmed their commitment to eliminating violence against women and are seeking ways to achieve this. UNRISD research has examined cases of successful advocacy for policy change in this area and has identified key drivers and conditions, in particular the active engagement of women’s movements. The recommendations below can help policy makers, women’s human rights advocates and funders to fully recognize the dimensions of the problem of violence against women and strategize effectively to address it.

UNRISD Research and Policy Briefs aim to improve the quality of development dialogue. They situate the Institute’s research within wider social development debates, synthesize its findings and draw out issues for consideration in decision-making processes. They provide this information in a concise format that should be of use to policy makers, scholars, activists, journalists and others.

This Research and Policy Brief was prepared by Paola Cagna and Joannah Caborn Wengler.

  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 21 Apr 2016
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISSN: 1811-0142
    From: UNRISD/UN Publications