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The Legitimization of Violence

Edited volume by David E. Apter.

Description: Violence is a more and more ubiquitous phenomenon. While a great deal of attention has been paid to certain aspects, terrorism for example, it has not been studied as a political phenomenon in and of itself. In The Legitimization of Violence eight well-known specialists explore various types of violence, from ideological to fundamentalist movements, within a framework of comparative theory.

Contents: Preface - Notes on the Contributors - Political Violence in Analytical Perspective; D.E.Apter - The Maturation of a Cosmocrat and the Building of a Discourse Community: The Case of Shining Path; C.I. Degregori - Politics, Violence, Writing: The Rituals of 'Armed Struggle' in Italy; D.Moss - Violence as Memory and Desire: Neo-Nazism in Contemporary Germany; B.Weaver - Remythologizing Discourses: State and Insurrectionary Violence in Sri Lanka; B.Kapferer - The Lebanese Shi'a and Political Violence; E.Picard - 'Reading' Violence: Ireland; P.Arthur - ETA and Basque Political Violence; M.Wieviorka - Violent Exchanges: Reflections on Political Violence in Colombia; M.Deas - Index
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Dec 1996
    Pub. Place: Basingstoke
    ISBN: 0 33363 745 3
    Type: paperback
    From: Palgrave
  • Pub. Date: 1 Dec 1996
    Pub. Place: Basingstoke
    ISBN: 0 333 63744 5
    Type: hardback
    From: Palgrave