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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Development: Greening the Economy, Volume 55, Number 1, March 2012

Development: Greening the Economy, Volume 55, Number 1, March 2012
This edition of Development, published by the Society for International Development (SID) in partnership with UNRISD, includes papers presented at the UNRISD conference, Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Bringing Back the Social Dimension, on topics ranging from global crises to grassroots conservation and development projects. The journal is timed to contribute to the discussion and debates around Rio+20 review.

According to the editor, Wendy Harcourt, "The journal raises some important concerns for Rio+20 if the world governments try to apply bureaucratically a green print of the economy without ways to differentiate, respect and nurture the myriad of the world's cultures and peoples’ diverse needs, ways of living and enjoying well-being....The articles offer various suggestions about the strategies, questions to be asked and ideas to be shaped, all with a sense of dismay at the mistakes of the past, but hope in the increasing voices of discord, as befits the times in which we write."

1. Editorial: The Times They Are A-Changin’ Wendy Harcourt
2. Introduction: Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Bringing back the ‘social’ Sarah Cook and Kiah Smith
3. Rio Summit 2012: What to expect? Interview with Tariq Banuri Angela Zarro
4. Neo-liberal Conservation and the Cementing of Inequality: Interview with Bram Büscher Laura Fano Morrissey

Thematic Section: Competing Paradigms
5. Economic and Ecological Crises: Green new deals and no-growth economies Bob Jessop
6. Nature in the Market-World: Ecosystem services and inequality Kathleen McAfee
7. Five Assumptions of Dominant Thinking in International Development Lawrence Haddad
8. Money as a Public Resource for Development Mary Mellor

Dialogue: Agency, Interests and Coalition
9. Beyond the ‘Green Economy’: System change, not climate change? Nicola Bullard and Tadzio Müller
10. Sustainable Development through Policy Integration in Latin America: A comparative approach Laura Rival
11. The Billion Dollar Solution that Isn't: How systems modeling in foreign aid could save billions and serve the poor Monika Aring and Bobbin Teegarden
12. Gender and Food Security in a Fair, Green Economy? Kiah Smith
13. Gender and climate Justice Ana Agostino and Rosa Lizarde

Local/Global Encounters: Community Values, Institutions and Dynamics
14. Incentives to Promote Green Citizenship in UK Transition Towns Amy Merritt and Tristan Stubbs
15. The Agri-food Sector's Response to the Triple Crisis: Sustaining local social initiatives in Andhra Pradesh, India Ashok Kumbamu
16. Local Justice, Global Climate Injustice? Inequality and tree planting in Thailand Witchuda Srang-Iam
17. The Brazilian National Environmental Policy: The challenge of plural environmental governance Hironobu Sano
18. A Matter of Trust in Metro Manila: Collective action towards ‘green economy’ transitions Marlyne D Sahakian

Report Review
19. World Development Report 2012: Radical redistribution or just tinkering within the template? Alice Evans

Book Shelf
Window on the World
Who's Who
Last Word
In Memory of Wangari Maathai 

The journal is available online.

  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 12 Mar 2012
    Type: Paperback
    From: Palgrave