1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

Politics and HIV-An Overview (Draft)

Much of what has played out in national and global responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is shaped by political factors. Yet, little analysis has been done to dissect political dynamics and motivations. Several research studies supported by UNRISD provide insights into some of the dimensions of the political realities that surround approaches to, funding for, and the engage of communities in dealing with HIV/AIDS. Unlike other studies that include views on the political aspects of HIV/AIDS, the papers from these research studies do not go into detail about the economic impacts of the epidemic. There is a growing body of evidence about the economic impacts—from household to national levels. But there is far less analysis about how political decisions determine responses to HIV/AIDS or how the epidemic becomes a factor in decision making among political actors. The epidemic is altering political systems—international and national—which determine approaches to controlling the epidemic and managing its impact.