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Women and Social Change in Latin America

Edited volume by Elizabeth Jelin.

Latin American women are becoming increasingly prominent in social movements and collective actions. In this book, six studies, by different authors, ask why and how women are transcending the private world of the home for a more active role in the public domain.

Historically, demands associated with the private sphere have been excluded from the political discourse. The new and revolutionary aspect of women’s participation is that it brings personal issues into the sphere of politics.

Highlighted here is the diversity of women’s demands and forms of collective expression in urban and rural settings in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. There are chapters on women’s participation at the barrio level; in Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo; in worker and peasant movements; and the actions of Aymara and Quechua women from indigenous communities in Bolivia.

These studies provide an important contribution to the theory and conceptualization of social movements and women’s role in processes of social change. Elizabeth Jelin argues that the diversity of these women’s participation has a dual character: as part of the historical struggle of subordinated groups demanding social recognition, citizen’s rights and access to the instruments of political power; and, simultaneously, struggles for cultural identity.

Foreword: Democracy for a Small Two-Gender Planet – Lourdes Arizpe
Introduction – Elizabeth Jelin
1. Establishing an Identity: women Settlers in a Poor Lima Neighbourhood – Cecilia Blondet
2. Women, Daily Life and Politics – Teresa Pires de Rio Caldeira
3. Women in the Transition to Democracy – Maria del Carmen Feijoo and Monica Gogna
4. Chile: Women and the Unions – Themla Galvez and Rosalba Todaro
5. Bartolina Sisa: The Peasant Women’s Organization in Bolivia – Rosario Leon
6. Indigenous Women and Community Resistance: History and Memory – Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
7. Citizenship and Identity: Final Reflections – Elizabeth Jelin
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 May 1990
    Pub. Place: London
    ISBN: 0 86232 871 3
    Type: Paperback
    From: Zed Books
  • Pub. Date: 1 May 1990
    Pub. Place: London
    ISBN: 0 86232 870 5
    Type: Hardback
    From: Zed Books