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Conference News: The Need to Rethink Development Economics

This conference, a joint undertaking of UNRISD and the Ford Foundation, brought together 29 social scientists, mainly economists and activists, from developing and industrialized countries to exchange ideas on an alternative to the neoliberal approach to development issues. Participants shared views on how economics can serve to empower the South and on how to revive development economics—not as a deviant branch of mainstream economics, but as a discipline whose role is to address the vital problems that developing countries typically face. UNRISD has embarked on a research project on Social Policy in a Development Context and is thus keenly interested in what is happening in the various fields of development studies.

Conference participants prepared short papers on the following themes, which structured their discussions during the meeting:
  • the decline of development economics;
  • current intellectual trends;
  • new challenges;
  • regional perspectives; and
  • strategies and future activities.

This report is based on both oral presentations and written contributions. The conference papers and participants are listed at the end of this report.

Draft versions of all the papers are available online. Go to the Research section of the UNRISD site, and click on the project Rethinking Development Economics.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 31 Dec 2003
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISSN: 1020-8054
    From: UNRISD