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Conference Report: Refugees Returning Home

Report of the Symposium for the Horn of Africa on the Social and Economic Aspects of Mass Voluntary Return Movements of Refugees, Addis Ababa, 15-17 September 1992

UNRISD has been conducting research on the plight of refugees for nearly 15 years. These studies have covered the socio-economic profiles of refugees, their conditions of life and impact on host societies, the interaction between refugees and the local people, and voluntary return and integration of refugees in their country of origin. Their results were discussed in three symposia origanized in Addis Ababa, Harare, and N'Djamena, attended by researchers, policy makers, international agencies, bilateral donors and non-governmental humanitarian and development organizations.

This report presents a synthesis of the principal themes that emerged from the papers and discussions at the Addis symposium. The papers reported on the results of original field research done by social scientists with long experience in the region. The 60 participants included researchers, senior officials with responsibilities for refugees in national administrations and international agencies, and representatives of donor countries and voluntary organizations.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1993
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    From: UNRISD