1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Environment, Sustainable Development and Social Change

Gender, Population and Environment in the Context of Deforestation: A Malaysian Case Study

This book documents the impact of top-down planning on women and communities. Macrolevel forestry policies have had differing microlevel impacts on various communities in Sarawak. Common to all is a change in livelihoods as a result of a loss of entitlements to land, forest, and water resources. The social and economic consequences of this form of development have been the creation of new patterns of wealth and poverty. Environmental degradation has serious consequences for the livelihoods of indigenous people who rely on natural resources for food and shelter. Women are particularly affected in the context of environmental degradation and loss of community control over resources. This study of gender, population, and environment in Sarawak outlines the interlinkages between environment, population and development, and women's reproductive and productive choices.

Contents: Introduction: Debates and Controversies on Environment, Population and Development - Case Study: Sarawak - Environmental Deterioration in Sarawak - Deforestation and Indigenous Livelihoods - The Impact of Deforestation: A Gender Analysis - Women's View of Population and the Environment - Conclusion
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1996
    Pub. Place: Kuala Lumpur
    ISBN: 967 9928 55 1
    Type: Paperback
    From: APDC