1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

Growth, Inequality and Social Development in India: Is Inclusive Growth Possible?

Growth, Inequality and Social Development in India: Is Inclusive Growth Possible?
This book critically examines economic development, social justice and the political economy of development in post-independence India. It offers a detailed and empirically rich study of India's record of macroeconomic growth during the last six decades. Chapters address a range of issues, including income distribution, poverty reduction, social development (with a special focus on basic services such as sanitation and drinking water) and social protection. The role of class relations in the development process and their influence on the trajectory of policymaking is also highlighted as the contributors seek to bring out the pre-conditions for a more broad -based and inclusive growth path.

Introduction: R.Nagaraj
Development Strategies and Poverty Reduction; R.Nagaraj
Economic Development and Inequalities; M.H.Suryanarayana
Social Protection Policies, Experiences and Challenges; G.Sen & D.Rajasekhar
Rethinking Reforms: A New Vision for the Social Sector in India; P.S.Vijay Shankar & M.Shah
Organised Interests, Development Strategies and Social Policies; V.Chibber
State and Redistributive Development in India; A.Kohli
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 25 Jul 2012
    Pub. Place: United Kingdom
    ISBN: 9781137000750
    Type: Hardback
    From: Palgrave